5 basic reasons why you can’t focus (and how to fix them)

If you find yourself struggling to focus then this simple checklist will help you identify where the problem may be.

Keep in mind going into this list that it was made basic and simplistic on purpose.

This is done to eliminate the basic reasons, before you analyze more in depth if there is a deeper issue or problems going on.

So let’s dive in.

1. Sleep

First and foremost, check your sleep patterns. How is your sleep? How many hours a night do you manage to sleep? Is your sleep deep and rejuvenating, or do you wake up tired? Make notes of this for a few days.

You should aim to sleep at least 6 hours a night, preferably 7-8. If you constantly pull off only 6 (or less) hours of sleep you will eventually burn out and find yourself struggling to focus in your day to day.

Some tips to make sure you sleep better:

  1. Exercise or take a long walk during the day (not too close to the time of your sleep so you don’t get too excited before bed)
  2. Eliminate technology a few hours before if possible (this isn’t always possible, so don’t hang up on it)
  3. Don’t eat heavy before bed – strive to finish eating at least 2-3 hours before bed
  4. Take a hot shower before bed
  5. Sleep in a cool room with a warm and heavy blanket
  6. Have access to fresh air in your room
  7. Eliminate all lights from the room you sleep in
  8. Don’t have any technology in bed, at all.
  9. Remove plants from your bedroom
  10. Avoid having mirrors or anything else other than a closet in your bedroom

These are practical and energetical tips to enhance your sleep. Take your time to go through this and see your sleep greatly improve.

2. Food

When it comes to food, you need to eat the right amount of the right things – no more or less.

If any, less would be better. One of the ways to make this really simple is the intermittent fasting method.

I personally follow the 16/8 fasting method, which means fasting for the better part of the day (16 hours) and only eating during an 8 hour period.

Though this works for me, I can’t recommend this to you as a general advice. You have to take in any personal health related _ you may have and to act accordingly.

What I can suggest is to simply have a clear, clean, fresh diet, with as little processed ingredients as possible. Just doing this will prove incredible for your health. Eat until 80% full, and it’s usually less than you think. So if you follow this on most days, you’ll find you can focus for much longer.

3. Stress

If you’re dealing with very high stress, it will become really hard to focus. In this field I’m not talking about occasional stress or tightened emotions, I’m talking about really stressful situations that occupy your mind. I know this from experience and it doesn’t feel good – at all. But as a high performer you’ll encounter these and you’ll have to learn to work with it.

Normally, the best way I’ve found to overcome this is to decide to put the stress aside for a certain period of time. So what you can do is tell your mind “I will put this aside until X hour this day” and it will usually work. This is because your mind is afraid you’ll forget so it constantly keeps you alerted. It identifies this source of stress as a threat, so it becomes survivalist. This is what you need to deal with and it will make it easier using this method.

Another more short term fix but a long term method of living life is to meditate. I find that the more a person meditates, the less they even get into these types of situations anymore. It’s like meditation installs a radar for them to avoid the stress in the first place.

I recommend you get my book “Meditation Master” that will help you in this process, whether you are a beginner or advanced in meditation it will give you lots of new insights and value.

4. Exercise

Honestly, this goes without saying in 2025. Not exercising is a major, major point of not being able to focus. You see, your body was meant for movement. It builds up pent up energy and if you’re never moving it around, making it flow and circulate it creates stress. Simple as that. Exercise is anything that makes you MOVE – you can even just go for daily walks (longer than 15-20 minutes). Ideally you go to the gym 2-4 times a week, or do another sport more intensely for 2-4 times a week. This is really a non negotiable – make it part of your life, somehow, some way, don’t think about it further. Just get it done and you’ll see a huge improvement in your life.

5. Addictions (or negative habits)

For lack of a better term, I chose addictions to represent a host of net negative habits on your system.

This can be anything from excessive social media, addiction to video games, or binging netflix – to more severe addictions such as to substances. This also includes addiction to food, smoking, or even just over indulgence in sexuality.

Look, I’m not going to tell you what’s right or wrong for you – and I know this is a sensitive topic for most people.

You are a grown up adult and you know deep inside you what’s good for you or not.

One of the things I’ve learned during my life – with family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, and during my coaching practice is this key sentence:

“You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves” this is such a key realization that once you understand you stop trying to fix the world. It doesn’t work this way.

I can only provide for you the tools to work on yourself and find peace within your life, I can’t force you to pursue them or want to change.

So of course, if you’re dealing with lots of emotional strain due to negative habits or addictions, I believe you should find a way to work on this. Whether by yourself – or with a professional that can help you find a way to let go of these compulsions.

You can begin here by reading more about how to deal with addictions – Releasing Addiction

I’ll also be happy to help you with this journey if you feel a connection – you can book a call with me here to discuss more about how we can help you improve your efficiency, performance, focus, flow, and energy levels through mental work, mindfulness, meditation, and high performance living. Click here to book a discovery call with me.


Aaron Avraham | Limitless Master

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