[Day 5] Intentions and a daily system

Hey my friend

I’m stoked that you got to day 5 – the final day of your Personal Portfolio. Today we’re going to talk about Setting the intention + Your daily system

Setting the intention will help you turn the goals, aspiration, and desire into a powerful essence and bring that energy to life.

It will show you what your most inner, powerful desires that are waiting to come through → And as a result fine-tune us to create a suitable vision for our future, with the aim to make it a reality.

Now, brainstorm 25 ideas or things you wish to create in your life, in the next 6 months, that will move you closer to your vision.

Do this without interruptions. Really think about what will move the needle, without putting importance on any of the ideas\objectives you write down..

Just to give you an example, let’s say you’ve written in your vision that you want to get jacked and look good – so one of the 25 objectives could be: Work out and eat healthy consistently.

Now, when you’re done writing 25 big goals, choose 3 of these big ideas – these are your goals for the next 6 months/ 1 year. ELIMINATE THE REST. Ignore the 22 else as if they’re invisible.

Now it’s time to set your big intention statement:

In the next {Time Frame}, I will do everything in my ability, focus, and willpower to create results, success, and progress in {YOUR INTENTION} While {REMOVING THE OBSTACLES}.

Example for an aspiring Solopreneur:

In the next 90 days, I will do everything in my ability, focus, and willpower to create results, success, and progress in creating my online brand, Providing high-quality content, and building an online offer while rewiring my limiting beliefs, doubts, and negativity in the process.

Now, we need to set them finally as solidified intentions that will cement your 2.0 identify:

1. I have a successful personal brand producing $10k a month selling consulting.

2. I am healthy and strong, my mind is clear, positive and I believe in myself completely

3. I have a beautiful gf\bf which I love.

Review these intentions daily!! Rewrite them in your journal as well. It will tune you to the goals you wish to bring forth and move you MUCH faster to your goals.


Intention needs action to produce and manifest powerful results.

When you’re done with creating the intentions, you’re ready to create a powerful daily system to follow.

The simple daily system will move you into IMMENSE action and growth once you create it.

All you need to do is write down a list of EVERY single thing you wish to do on a daily basis, the tasks and habits you want to do every single day.

After that list is done, create a daily routine that fits your schedule, this can look like this:


-> Morning routine -> Meditation -> Reading and visualizing my vision -> Gratitude -> Deep work Lunch:

-> Looking at my vision board -> Eating healthy -> Practicing affirmations -> Reading -> More Deep work


-> Working out -> Journaling -> Connecting with friends -> Ideating for business -> Unwinding -> Planning for tomorrow

This one’s just an example, your personal system will help you greatly in calibrating your daily life and making sure you’re heading on track in according to your vision and goals. Your personal system will allow you to become a high performer. It will be enhanced throughout time.



I’m very proud of you, you’re one of the few who actually managed to:

  1. Take action to improve themselves
  2. Commit to a plan
  3. Execute it

Now you’re ready to commit to your daily system and goals and pursue your vision to see it LIVE.

I want to say that I’m grateful that you’ve stuck to the end, and I know you’re someone who’s going to make it because you believe in yourself and put in the work.

Tomorrow we’re going to wrap everything up and guide you on how to use the Personal Portfolio to it’s maximum effectiveness and potential!

Stay tuned for my email!

Talk soon,

Aaron | Limitless Reader

P.S -> Again, congrats on going this far, just by completing this exercise you’re way ahead of the game and have it in your hands to bring your vision forth to reality. Cheers for that!