Find the way back home
There was a time in your life when you were less worried. Less tired. Less fearful. There was a time in your life when you were filled with happiness, hope, and joy. There was a time when you had more and more energy every single day and things just worked themself out for you. It was effortless. It was natural. You were living in your element. Every moment was a joy to be celebrated. There was a time you had more friends, people, energy, flow, success all happening automatically. There was a time like this if you can remember. Do you remember? Do you remember the time you were happier? Do you remember the times you were brighter and lighter? I know there was such a time because you are part of a greater energy of good. You are part of the divine light of infinite, a child of the most high, of the love of all that is. Don’t you remember? I want you to close your eyes and reconnect with the part of yourself that is living this reality. That is happy within no matter what. I want you to look back to that time you were complete, even if you don’t remember. Look back and see it was real, it was always there, it is always here now, and you can choose to reconnect back to it right now. I want you to know that it’s all possible when you allow it to yourself.