Heal yourself with your hands

Did you know your hands can heal your body?

Next time you have a strong headache or any other pain do this:

1/ Lay down in a quiet place, preferably dark, and relax yourself with a few deep breaths.

2/ identify the source of your pain – where do you feel it stems from? Breathe in slowly into the places of ache and pain

3/ Gently begin laying your hands on the parts where you feel pain. You will usually sense tension in those areas. Relax your muscles as much as possible

4/ let go of any expectations. Relax into the healing force of your hands. Now begin to gently massage and rub the painful areas. When you feel the initial tension is released do this…

5/ relax your hands neutrally on the points of pressure and pain. For a headache this could be above the eyes/the sides of the head. Allow the warmth of your heads to build up and radiate to the pain

6/ Visualize a white light coming from above you and entering from the top of your head. Visualize this light coming from your hands as well. You can pray for help, ask for aid, or just be silent if you prefer.

7/ feel the warmth and energy radiating into the source of pain and taking it completely away. Visualize the pain leaving the body and leaving you healed and refreshed.

8/ do this for as long as you need. It can take a few minutes or even hours. It is only your feeling that matters.

9/ thank God, the universe, cosmos, infinity or nature – whichever you believe for the healing power and blessing you received. You will usually immediately feel a relief or even a complete dissolution of the pain.

Your hands and energy has miraculous power that can heal much more than just headaches/simple pains… more in later posts.

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