The top 12 Natural Laws to follow in 2024

2024 is the year where we go from Conscious Creators fully into Reality Masters.

I have tons of big things to share with you

For now, I wanted to say thank you for being here and being part of the Limitless Master Letter. I’m grateful for your presence, support, and attention.

Big things are coming to Limitless Master – and I’m looking forward to unraveling everything step by step.

2024 is coming with a new, different, exciting, and powerful energy – I’m looking forward to riding it together with you

In a deep meditation session, I’ve done to prepare for the new year,

I received many secrets and principles I believe will be CRUCIAL for anyone who wants to experience huge prosperity, growth, abundance, health, connection, and success in the coming year.

I want to share the top 12 that stood out for me, and the nuance they came with.

I assure you each one is here for a reason – take what resonates for you and maximize your potential with it:

1- Meditation and connection to Source -> Life on earth is becoming more and more spiritual and connected, with higher vibration and consciousness. But here’s the catch: It’s also the exact opposite. The polarities are INCREASING IN UNPRECEDENTED RATES. Those who are ascending – will ascend faster. Those who are Descending – are descending at ever-increasing rates. I assure you, the only place of safety is in God, in Source energy, in higher consciousness. I have done my best to prepare you for the whole of 2023 for these times, and I believe this is accelerating. Make sure you are adopting a practice – more and more every day. You cannot sleep on this. You must put all of your efforts into ascension and spiritual growth, connection to God. Every moment you have will do.

2- Sexual Preservation -> If you are a man – AVOID spilling your seed. straight and simple. It’s taking away your life force and essence and making you weaker. If you are a woman, guard yourself sexually. Build relationships and trust – this goes for men as well. Your sexuality is sacred and your energy depends on this.

3- Healthy food and water -> No more garbage. You don’t have to be a nutrition expert to know – use your senses. If it’s chemical – throw it away. If it’s from nature – it’s good for you. Eat with moderation and bless your food. This is a big secret you can apply for lifelong longevity. Drink a lot of water. You are planting a NEW REALITY – DRINK FRESH WATER TO NURTURE IT.

4- Sleep -> Take time to sleep well. Sleep as much as you need. 7-8 hours is a good place to be at. A lot of your mental and spiritual evolution is going to happen in your sleep and in your dreams and astral connections.

5- Love and Light -> Spread more love and light around you. This doesn’t mean becoming an “annoying New Ager” – but simply be more kind and loving. Of course, don’t be a doormat if they’re trying to screw you over. Learn discernment and begin to be the light you truly are for those who need and deserve it.

6- Donation -> Donate whenever you can. 10% of your income if you are able will go a long way. This is an energetical law, this will increase your abundance and prosperity in many ways. The more you donate the more will come back in mysterious & plentiful ways. Try it – ofc stay responsible within your means.

7- Learning about God, Cosmos, Higher Power and Your Limitless Nature -> You are required to learn more about the true nature and secrets of life. It’s no longer possible to be reliant on the knowledge you received in school college or work, you have to actively seek the wisdom and guidance of your inner self and your soul. Your soul knows a lot, and it needs help to reveal its true wisdom to you. This is the time to dive deep and seek wisdom, seek a mentor, seek a guide, and constantly surround yourself with growth. It will be the best decision you’ll take in your life. If you want to work with me personally, read to the end of this email.

8- Support and community -> Seek community and support in your journey higher. The world is seperating between those who are going into higher and higher realms, and those who are going to be left behind in darkness and blindness. It’s in your hands to stir your ship into higher realms – you have the keys to do so – and a support group will take you much higher than you can possibly imagine. This is also something we are currently building and running behind the scenes – more details to come.

9- Disconnecting from falsehood -> Disconnect from the fake lies and garbage of the world. Many things in the modern world are filled with a layer of falsehood and deception – the news, universities, financial structures, governments, etc – be sovereign and start thinking for yourself.

10- Living in harmony with nature –> go back to nature. Go back to spending time with yourself alone. Grow plants and some food, go for long walks speak with God, and be one with creation. You are a child of God and nature is God’s kingdom. You have been subjected to the concrete walls for too long. It’s time to go back home.

11- Investing in your passion and creative life force -> Put your life force in the right direction. Time is short and life is a passing phase. Make something you’ll be proud of. Ditch the life-sucking tv shows, video games, and other cheap entertainments – build something that makes you happy.

12- Elevate your consciousness and energy levels -> the fastest and best way to ascend into a new version of reality is to expand your consciousness, to elevate your energy levels, and to master reality creation. Thats when your life miraculously shifts simply by the beliefs, thoughts, and words you use. Actions should be the archimedic levers that transmute your energy into life. But your inner knowingness, your inner strength, belief, confidence, resolve and intention – they change reality. They change the scripts of the matrix. They change the world you live in. There are deep secrets in these topics I can write thousands of articles, courses, seminars and books on. As I do – but there are secrets that are only for your soul to discover and they are waiting for you to take a leap forward.

If you follow these 12 principles, I’m positive that you’ll experience an incredible year ahead.

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