What is Shadow Work

Shadow work is one of the most unusual practices you can apply in your path to becoming your Limitless Self.

Shadow work is very similar in a sense to working with trapped emotions What are Trapped Emotions – though it involves more specific patterns that keep repeating and recurring in your life on a periodical level.

Let’s say you always have a period where you are doing well coupled with a period of relapsing to an addiction – that is your shadow at work.

Alternatively, you may be winning big on one week only to going lazy on the next one, lacking the drive that propelled you to new heights – this again, could be your shadow at work.

Your Shadow is a lot like a rollercoaster, moving from one extreme to the other without the awareness – instead of staying unphased somewhere in the high-mid range of the experience.

Your Shadow enjoys the negativity, the drama, and the volatility that comes with this experience.

Your shadow is Euphoria-depression, Extreme Happiness – Total Despair, Clarity and success – Self-sabotage and failure.

It is a phenomenon of extreme movement between two ends of the emotional spectrum.

Until your shadow is “seperate” from you, and not integrated properly, it will keep acting up behind the scenes to create Self-Sabotage.

So in essence, when your on the uptrend, it will look for inner turmoil to stir up drama. This is done subconsciously, almost without your control, to play into the narrative of the Shadow.

The Shocker in Shadow Work

shadow work

What I’m about to say here may shock you or stir up an uncomfortable truth to some of you reading this:

You are the “Shadow”.

There is no Shadow.

And you enjoy it’s drama.

Plain and simple. Here. I said it.

You can stop reading if you’re so offended, but since you’re here you’re probably aware that something is not right in that behavior – though it keeps happening.

Maybe it’s a loop in your reality – you get money but it’s always lost somehow.

Perhaps it’s in your health – you cycle between illnesses and negative feelings.

Or in your relationships with friends, family, or romantic partners.

There’s always drama and lack of consistency. A step forward, a step backwards. It’s always a cyclical motion that keeps you in place, never able to escape the “Shadow”.

What is this mysterious Shadow in Shadow Work

Look, I’m not here to tell you that your shadow has some unique powers over you. I don’t even think it’s that special.

I believe it’s simply a part of you that enjoys negativity, darkness, and self-sabotage for some strange reason.

Usually due to trauma, past memories, negative experiences or limiting beliefs. These can all be systematically rewired with the help of my guidance or my book “Beyond Limits”.

Doing Shadow work for specific patterns can be beneficial and freeing. It can help you integrate the shadow into your being and stop living in a certain inner duality.

Imagine that your energy and efforts are dedicated 50% towards success, and 50% towards failure.

The laws of physics decree that you’ll stay in place.

This is totally true and you’re going to experience a lack of movement because one part of you, the “Shadow” is working behind the scenes to self-sabotage

Break the patterns with Shadow Work

So for you to be able to begin breaking the patterns with Shadow Work, you want to have a clear understanding of what these patterns are.

You can begin to ask yourself these questions:

  • How does your life look like? Are you constantly going from peak to bottom? From success to failure? Or are you moving from success to success?
  • Are you able to sustain your successes and bring that energy forward with you to the next project? Or do you breakthrough one goal only to find yourself seeking comfort, negative habits, or routines that ruin your wins?
  • If you could look at your life through the eyes of a graph, would you say your year is split into upwards and downwards cycles equally? 60-40? 70-30? 80-20? Declare the numbers you feel according to the last year or the average of the last few years.
  • If you could look at your life through a view of a graph, would you say that graph is going upwards Year on Year, or is it staying relatively the same? Are you plateauing? Are you growing? Are you pushing yourself beyond your limits?

These questions will allow you to deeply investigate yourself and understand if you are experiencing a shadow playing out in your life and ruling over you.

This part of the article dealt with defining the shadow and what it is to you.

The next part of this article will involve more practical steps to integrate the shadow into your being and become a more well rounded individual.

When you acknowledge the part of you that is self-sabotaging, hurting, turning you down, you take away the power from it for good.

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