What is your life’s purpose on earth?

Have you ever wondered what is your life’s purpose on earth? Why are you living the life you are living? What is the secret reason for your specific existence on this planet?

Through my research, exploration, and experience in this topic I have found many conflicting ideas that come up.

  • Some would say that your purpose is to make a lot of money and “win the game”
  • Some would say that your purpose is to bring a lot of children into the world
  • Others say that your purpose is to become really good at something and help others with it
  • Or to find your purposeful mission in fixing something that is wrong in the world.

These can all be considered worthy purposes – yet I don’t believe any of them is the absolute purpose.

If I would say there is one absolute purpose it would be to enjoy life to the full extent.

Once you realize that enjoying life to the full extent is the only purpose worth pursuing, you can now begin to define what this joy means to you.

For some people joy would be to help others. For others it would be having freedom, time, and money to do what they love.

For others joy would mean mastering a skill and becoming the very best in that field.

You see how this makes the filter of where you’re approaching purpose much more manageable and clear?

When you realize that everything in your life is a matter of: “does it make me feel better or worse?”

It is no longer a matter for argument.

It’s a subjective experience. You do not need me or anyone else to approve of your purpose.

If someone has to argue with you about why your purpose is wrong and theirs is right, that means they don’t believe in their own purpose.

They don’t have conviction and therefore it is safe to say they are walking a false path.

A person who is happy in their life doesn’t feel the need to attack or go against other’s paths.

When a person is focused more than 60-80% of their time going against other ideas to prove their own point of view – it is safe to say they haven’t found their true purpose on earth.

Your true purpose on earth doesn’t mean you are defined and confined by it. It can change and shift according to seasons in your life.

You can have more interests and side quests that you follow – you will know what’s the right path that shows up when it does.

When you are operating from your highest purpose, you will keep ascending in your vibration and energy levels. This will create an increase of abundance, opportunities, and growth in your life.

A true purpose will magnetize many people to support you and help you on your path. This is because when someone is going on a true and authentic path it can be felt in their aura.

A negative purpose will attract people who are cynical, hateful, and full of spite for life.

If you notice you are going down a path you don’t enjoy anymore, one of the tell tale signs will be attracting negative experiences and people – or becoming cynical to life yourself.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that a true path of purpose won’t attract certain types of people who are more negative to life – yet they will come in the form of haters.

What I’m talking about here is chronically cynical and judgmental people who surround you – that is a sign of a false purpose that doesn’t lead to the actualization of your life on earth.

Vibes are contagious. When you emit a positive vibe and vibration in the world -you attract like minded individuals who have the best interest in their hearts.

Love you give is equal to the love you get. The more love you spread on your path to purpose, the more love you will receive. These are not just cliches. These are laws of energy that are proven to be true on every level of being – from atoms to human beings.

We are here on a path to raise our consciousness levels and energy. The more you become who you are from within you – the easier it will be to live in true purpose, love, and light.

There is a life of adventure to explore and finding your own true purpose is not the end but just the beginning.

You are a unique being of light with unique ideas, feelings, emotions, gifts, and insights you can bring into reality.

No matter how hard or challenging life gets – you can always find ways to express that in meaningful ways. When you are working with your inner compass and your inner purpose that is guiding you – you’ll find solutions to any problem that comes up your way.

Trust in your creator, in your Self, and know that life is a playground of opportunity. Your purpose is to realize this and find where you can contribute lovingly to the world in ways that are mutually beneficial to life.

What is life if not to live it and enjoy the process? There may be a grander purpose out there, or one you feel in your heart, yet at the end of the day joy and love is the key to actualizing your purpose at the highest degree.

If you’re interested to dive in deeper into exploring your purpose and realizing what your true gifts and talents are you can share with the world – The Self Assessment protocol will be a great way to explore that. Check it out here.

Thank you for reading,

Aaron Avraham

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