First Steps

Natural healing is the process of healing your heart, body, mind, and soul and restoring your functionalities to their full potential.

It is based around simple exercises, knowledge, and methods around energy healing, breathe, and energy flow.

There is no need for belief, to have mystical experiences, or anything of this nature.

It is as practical as it can get and we will treat it as a mechanistic approach that everyone can take even if there is zero belief in any metaphysical concepts, consciousness, energy and anything of this nature.

It is not related to any religion or spiritual beliefs.

Natural healing is based on simple sensations and feelings, on physical laws of the universe for which there is yet to be a tangible proof.

The only proof you will require for this is that of your feeling and what you experience in the process – you will be required to believe in nothing and you will not have to proceed with exercises or methods that do not work for you from day one.

I will teach you the basic ways of natural healing all the way up to advanced and by the time you finish this process you will be able to:

  1. heal yourself – from partial to full healing depending on your unique set of experiences and situation
  2. heal others – same as above
  3. enhance your well being, your energy flow, your focus, performance, and outlook on life
  4. enhance your joy, love, abundance, appreciation, and understanding of yourself, your life, and the universe

Perhaps just the first point deserves a honest try from you – that is up for you to decide.

I am here sharing the experiences as honestly and truthfully as possible with you and you will be the experiencer – the one allowing this process to unfold.