Natural Healing – Energy Healing 2
The process of energy healing is simple and requires you to tune into yourself.
This process is similar to meditation yet requires more activity and actions taken by you. Just like in meditation, a clear mind is recommended to operate in the energy healing session, and it will allow you to be focused and clear in your intentions and actions.
Furthermore, energy healing is a process where you are going to use your mind and imagination to redirect reality and the energy you are receiving in immediate ways. You are going to observe how powerful your mind and imagination really are in affecting reality in an immediate way.
Energy healing takes time to master. It requires awareness and observation skills beyond the normal level. It requires finer sensitivity to the subtle energetic field and the energy world. It requires seeing beyond the normal scope of reality.
Regardless of if you master it or not, it will still be incredibly helpful even in the most simplest form of tuning into the energy and giving it to yourself or others.
The more advanced techniques are like advanced surgery in the spiritual/energetical realm, I will do my best to teach them here in the written form, though they may require more in depth personal guidance to understand properly.
The basic method of energy healing is to connect to the light in the universe around you, mentally and energetically, and allow it to flow into your head from the crown. From your head you are now able to guide the light/energy into your hands and then to direct that energy to another person. You simply point your hands to the other person and allow the energy to flow through you – and to the person, focusing more on the areas they have any issues. This is the most basic way to use this energy.
If you are using it on yourself, you can simply visualize the energy going to the area in need of healing and also use your hands as well in the process to press on the location, or place them on top of the area while holding them in the air.