Natural Healing – Step 1
In this step we will begin in laying the foundations for the natural healing to begin occurring naturally in your life.
A great part of this process is letting go of the things that are not useful to you anymore.
This will be what we will focus on in step 1.
In your life there are inputs and outputs. The only thing you have a degree of control over is the inputs.
For example – eating healthy food is an input. The output is feeling better and having a better experience in your life.
Another input could be drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes – the output is less energy, vitality, and life essence afterwards. (after the initial high)
Therefore you may already see at where I’m getting.
This step is about making a list of all the inputs in your life, and what they serve.
After you write this down, you can begin to give them a simple label -> does the input raise my energy or does it take it down? (you can call it feeling, energy, experience, vitality, health, or any other label that resonates with you)
Here are some common “negative” inputs that I believe may be hindering ultimate vitality and health:
- 1.unhealthy food such as junk food and the like
- 2.Excessive media consumption including – social media, streaming, video games, etc.
- 3.Watching explicit/sexual content in a compulsive and addictive way
- 4.excessive consumption or addictions to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and other substances
- 5.unhealthy relationships with other humans
On the contrary, here is a list of inputs that are beneficial to the process of natural healing:
- 1.Eating healthy food
- 2.Sleeping well – 7-8 hours of quality deep sleep
- 3.Physical exercise and walks – at least 3-4 times a week
- 4.Meditation and prayer
- 5.healthy socializing with family and friends
- 6.a fulfilling job (at least above 60% in the scale of making you feel good)
- 7.having a loving and supporting relationship
- 8.playing with pets
- 9.engaging in hobbies
- 10.being kind and helpful to other people
There are many more ideas and ways to enhance your quality of life and therefore your path towards natural healing – these are what I believe are the basics that you can start focusing on.
The idea here is that before we engage in any energy healing we want to optimize the system to it’s highest level of functionality.
Imagine it like a glass of water filled with mud. It’s possible to replace the water by streaming more water on top – but it will usually be faster to just pour out the water, clean the glass, and then pour in new, fresh water into the cup.
This is the same with energy healing. We are going to refill your body with new and fresh energy, something you may have not done for a long while. Therefore introducing this energy in a body that is already not functioning to it’s highest potential will be less effective immediately.
It is like introducing new water to a cup filled with mud, it will take much longer for the mud to be replaced rather than simply clearing what’s visibly there to clear and starting fresh.