Natural Healing – Step 2

As you clear out your life from the physical inputs that no longer serve you, we are ready to move one layer deeper.

This lesson is again not directly related to energy healing itself yet it is a great part of natural healing.

One of the main ideas I want you to begin to see and realize is that your human system is interwoven with all aspects, it is not just one part that lives in isolation.

So in creating change in one area of your system you are creating change in the system as a whole.

The human system is simply composed of many sub-systems that work together in interaction.

The next part I want you to work on is your mental system.

The mental system is composed the thought processes that are currently working in your mind. The beliefs, the values, the ideas that compromise who you are and what you believe to be true.

Note: It’s okay not to fully understand this right now. My aim is to make Natural Healing as simple to understand and apply without having to do a degree in psychology or study metaphysical philosophy for years. You have your whole life to do that. For now the aim is to get to the highest level of functional energy, vitality, and health in order to be at your highest form of being from where you can dive deeper to these topics from here that interest you.

For now, I want you to understand a quick and simple analogy.

Let’s say we have a computer. The computer is made out of two main parts: Hardware and Software.

Hardware is the bare metal that the computer operates on. Comprised of electric devices that understand the language of 0’s and 1’s – 0 means no electricity and 1’s mean there is electricity running in the electrical circuit.

The hardware is simply waiting for orders from you – the user – to operate it.

So how do you – the user – interact with the hardware? The answer is that you use software to interact with it.

Right now you are reading on the browser – this is a software that allows you to see words on the screen. Behind it is a code that is talking with the machine with 0’s and 1’s – the machine doesn’t understand words.

So the key here is to understand that there is a hardware – and a software. How does it relate to you? Do you see where I’m trying to lead you with this analogy?

Take a moment to think about this.

Now, let’s understand how this relates to you as a human being. As a human you have a brain and you have thoughts. They are not one and the same.

The brain is a computer, a fancy one. It runs on electricity just as the computer does and it is filled with neural connections that tell the body to function in one shape or form.

There are neurons that connect to the mechanical aspect of moving your body, neurons for feeling, and neurons for language comprehension and speaking. There are many more functions within the brain.

Your thoughts, the ideas, the decisions are the “software” that “interacts” with the “physical hardware” which is the brain itself.

So in fact we explained how the brain is your hardware which you cannot directly control or change – just like the computer you buy at the store (for most people, we don’t open and change the parts within it).

The software that is used to operate the brain is your thoughts, your ideas, the way your interact with it.

Now the question remains – who is the user itself? Who is the thinker, the issuer of commands to the brain, the one using the “software” that interacts with the brain itself that moves and operates the functionalities of the body?

That’s a question for another time. I’ll let you think about it

Next up we will discuss how to “reset” your mental operating system and create one that is within alignment of your goals.