Natural Healing – Step 3

Clearing your environment is the next step in this process. Though it seems like we’re handling all sorts of ideas that are not relevant to healing, well being, and increasing your vitality – you’ll eventually see the effect for yourself.

As said from the start of this process and lessons – if something doesn’t resonate with you or doesn’t feel right you are free to not pursue it. You are the guide of your life and you know better than anyone else.

The fact is that your environment is constantly interacting with you on a day to day basis. If your environment is unpleasant, full of clutter, unharmonized to your heart’s content it can also create distress within you.

The process here is to organize your environment. It is up to you to what extent. It can be discarding\selling\giving away\letting go of old items and stuff you own, it can be as simple as tidying up your house and cleaning, and it can be a complete move from your current place to somewhere new.

There’s no one method to do this. It can be a balance of some of these elements and it can be nothing at all. This step in the process is only for those who feel the need to “detox”/purge/ or let go of clutter in their life.

[[Natural Healing – Step 4]]