The Voices in your head

The voice in your head, noisy and always filled with things to say.

The voice in your head, constantly chatting, blabbering, mentioning various ideas.

The voice in your head, a ceaseless, constant stream of consciousness.

The voice in your head, the judgment, criticism, and negativity.

The voice in your head, the one that always has something to say.

The voice in your head, always on, always awake, never giving you rest.

The voice in your head, Loud and clear, full of color and vibrancy.

The voice in your head, the one that obeys every command.

The voice in your head, organized and disciplined.

The voice in your head, full of clarity, focus, and ambition.

The voice in your head, the one with empathy and love.

The voice in your head, the one that’s always there for you forever.

Which voice is really yours?

These two voices in your head, where do they come from?

How do they interact and affect you?

From my experience most people have two voices in their heads.

One that is theirs and the other who is there to interrupt the experience.

The voice that is loud and clear, that you can talk with and say something in your mind is the one which is truly yours.

The other voice is not who you are.

A voice full of criticism and noise. It is not who you are. It is noise of the mind and negative energy flowing through.

There is no need to do anything with it. Only to let the dominant voice tell it that it is not welcome and not meaningful.

That voice is a little sound of criticism and negativity churning on a vibration within your mind.

Sometimes it is gone for long periods of time, and sometimes it is very present.

There’s nothing to fear this voice. It is but a shadow of the mind, a passing sound of negativity to be transmuted into positive energy.

The voice you really are

The voice you are and the power you have are infinitely more powerful.

Try saying “I am safe” now within your mind and notice the power your voice holds over your conscious state.

The voice you can use is the voice that you are, the being who is the driver of the vehicle called life. The observer of the motions of the mind.

The other voice is simply a mirage, a passing illusion of the mind detracting you from presence.

When we meditate, this is the voice we usually observe.

Sometimes there is so much clutter and muddiness in your mind, especially for those who never meditated before.

The other voice is powerless

Yet there is nothing to fear or worry about.

The other voice is not powerful at all. It is simply a noise, a clutter to let go of.

Just like you take the trash out from your home, that is how you treat this negativity and nonsense. It is just clutter to dispose of.

You do not fight or argue with clutter, you simply get rid of it and let it go to it’s natural place.

When you meditate, you allow the mind to dispose of the clutter and the negativity naturally. You are allowing all the excess noise and stream of consciousness to subside and find a calm, powerful center within you.

Then the noise is replaced with clarity, power, strength, and direction. This is a sign of strength and maturity, a sign of silent power and balance.

In stillness there is strength. Everything in nature that is still is powerful. There is an aura that is radiated from stillness and calmness in the midst of a chaotic environment.

Meditation creates silence and space for your true voice

As you educate your mind with meditation you emerge into new power and strength, new energy, a more powerful and mindful one.

An energy that is governed from the deepest wells of being from within you, limitless, profound, timeless in it’s nature – beyond any limitations and barriers. One that is fully present and consistent in it’s nature.

Allow the other voice to fade away and dissipate into nothingness and from this new state of void allow the true self which you are to emerge.

If you want to begin your meditation journey, you can get my book “Meditation Master” here.

Thanks for reading,

Aaron Avraham

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