Angels, Saints, and Miracles
Hello Conscious Creator,
Welcome to a new Sunday edition of the Limitless Master Letter.
Today I want to invite you on a mystical journey to the higher realms of reality.
Reality on the earthly, physical plane as we know it is a dense dimension.
Human life is a materialized dimension of existence, yet there are more and more realms higher and less limiting than this one.
The human dimension is one of the limited forms of existence. You have a body and you are confined by the limitations of space, time, and spirit.
If you’ve read my book “Beyond Limits” you know that the subtitle is “The Journey Beyond Time, Space, and Spirit” – this is because as humans we have the ability to transcend such limitations. (Good News: My book Beyond Limits is now available in a beautiful Paperback edition as well!)
Of course, we will always be limited to the laws of the universe in this realm, but we can learn to better connect to the higher realms which are our natural state and home.
Life on this earth is simply a corridor through which we go through. 70-80, maybe 100 years on earth and you’re gone.
No one escapes death forever.
Therefore a logical person must entertain the idea of whether there is anything beyond life, from the eternity of time before you have been born, to the time after your death.
In this article I want to talk encounters and experiences with Angels and Saints, to open your appetite and curiosity to learn about higher realms.
It is said in the Kabbalist teachings: “You have not a blade of grass below that does not have an angel that strikes and tells it, ‘Grow!’”
“As Above, so Below. As Below, So Above.” -> Everything has both a higher and lower dimension and manifestation.
Every human is guided by angels and beings of light from God that help him along the way and path.
Recall a time in your life when you were miraculously saved or guided towards a life-changing decision, a lot of times it was your angels, or higher guidance showing you the way.
The more you connect with your guidance and give thanks to your Angels, the more they’ll be around you and know that you acknowledge them.
Think of it this way – if you don’t thank them, if you don’t show your appreciation – how will they know you need them?
They’ll think you are getting along just fine. No need to be there if you’re doing well.
But if you’re acknowledging their support, they’ll be delighted to keep helping you and building you up. It is their own mission to do so.
Simple to follow this logic.
It is wise to employ the measure of grace and modesty when communicating with your Angels. Treat this relationship simply like you treat any other relationship. Do you abuse the help of a good friend that is always there for you?
Life is not meant for you to constantly ask for help and guidance all day long. It’s expected that you also stand up for your own.
Be modest and fair in your ways. I’ll let you define for yourself what that means. But know that your Angels will always provide and be there for you when you ask.
Angels can be there in places where you are about to get hurt or harmed, they can be there when you need immediate help and saving, and they can be there in times of severe trouble. Many people describe these situations as feeling and knowing someone is with them helping them throughout their situation.
It can be through hunches and intuition. I have met a person who was guided to not take a certain flight, only to later discover it has crashed. There are many stories in this regard to research and explore.
This goes deeper with specific angel names and codes you can use but this is beyond the scope of this article.
Saints are people who have worked their way up to a state of holiness and purity in their own life.
Through expansion of their consciousness levels and raising their natural energy they have created an immense inner change and connected to a higher source of life.
They are the embodiment of angel and man – a connection to source that is admirable and fills you with awe.
There are Saints in any religion or stream of knowledge, because all worthy wisdom leads to the same Source.
Ram Dass for example is a great example for a person that reached this state through meditation and yoga practice.
Pramahansa Yogananda has reached this state through immense meditations on God.
Rabbi’s do so through following the Mizvahs of the Torah
Of course, wise teachers such as Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, and many more reached states of enlightenment.
When a person is elevated to a state of Sainthood, he is able to perform miracles and actions that are beyond the realm of logic or what is considered normal.
I know a person that was in a place of danger, hours before a huge attack on that place.
As he was looking at the ground he suddenly saw a picture of the Saint that he does a memory ceremony for every single year. Through seeing the Saint he felt that he had to flee the place, and then he did.
Hours after he discovered he was saved from certain death.
The Saints are high beings who can communicate with us in various way and connect with humans in the earthly realms.
It is easier for a person with less connection to God to go through a Saint or a spiritual teacher to foster the faith and belief needed to connect as well.
This is the beauty of the soul, it knows deeply by feeling and experience rather than by logic if you open up to it.
You can have a picture of Saints you feel connected to in order to elevate yourself to new heights and invigorate your energy.
A miracle is anything that seems above nature, supernatural or beyond the logical sequence of event.
When a person has experienced a miracle he feels and knows he has been guided by a higher power.
To have a miracle is a grace of God because it goes beyond the natural laws of nature.
It is possible to ask for miracles and pray for them when the situation is unbearable. It is welcomed, and through working on the measures of the person and aligning with a higher existence miracles can happen.
The study of metaphysical reality is a beautiful step in a person’s evolution to higher realms and understanding the nature of reality. When one connects with these beautiful higher, clean lights, his soul is cleansed and life flows more naturally in harmony.
I believe that the first step to connect with higher realms and go beyond limits is to cleanse your inner world. To create a new belief system that discards of limitations and doubt, and connects with the highest version of your Limitless True Self.
I talk about this and guide you to do so inside my book “Beyond Limits” which will take you on an adventure beyond your limitations, to the realms of the infinite, the “supernatural” and the magical abilities you hold within you – and awaken these gifts to life.
I’m excited to share that Beyond Limits is now available both in physical and digital versions!
You can get the Paperback edition here
And the Digital version here
If you have any questions about the book feel free to reply back
Aaron | Limitless Master