Reaching The Core Self
Underneath all the layers you have accumulated during your living in this world is the core of your true self, a place where you are fully complete.
The CORE SELF is another perspective into the Limitless Self, one can say they are one and the same.
The name Core Self is to define your core, that is beyond the layers and filters you adopted/created from society & conditioning over the years. In that deepest layer, you get to experience a complete release and catharsis from the beliefs and ideas the world has instilled within you.
You reach the true self, and let go of all the clutter, negativity, limiting beliefs, and ideas that limit you in life. This is a process of reaching and connecting with your Core Self that is already within you.
I wanted to reach the CORE SELF
On my path to reach a more Limitless State beyond limitations and limiting perceptions of self, I reached a point where I felt as if I have to go back to ground zero.
Beyond routines, beyond rituals, beyond affirmations, beyond meditation, inner work, journaling, exercise, nature or anything else.
I wanted to reach the purest, deepest, natural – LIMITLESS STATE
A state where I do not know anything and I do not believe anything – not about myself or the world – a state of pure BEING. To reach my CORE SELF. To the STATE OF I AM.
This core is the place of you that is fully embodied, clear, understood, happy, and full of life. When in the core, there is no other layer that filters your experience on top of it.
After all the layers have been unpeeled there lies the core self – a powerful ball of energy that is always on and thriving, supporting all life.
What separates us from the CORE SELF?
The only thing separating you from the experience of the Core Self, the Limitless Self, is the belief you are not whole as you are.
The experience of separation and lack is the main driving force in your life.
Most of the actions you take are to fill this lack, this sense of disconnection and pain.
When you are connected to this core intimately and live from it, from the soul and the state of the Limitless Self – you don’t need anything else.
Everything outside of you becomes an enhancement but not a need or strong desire.
There is contentment in your own energy and vibe. It is a powerful feeling and state to embody.
Yet as with anything in the realm of this world, we tend to forget our true nature and fall into the illusion that we are powerless or weak. We fall into the illusion that something external will fill us while in reality we are entirely complete as we are.
Our own sense of self is everlasting, timeless, limitless – it never changes. It is our own mind, thoughts, and emotions that trick us to believe there is lack, that there is something we truly need.
Apart from some food, water, and perhaps shelter, there’s nothing you need. The only need is to sustain life and even that on the highest level of consciousness is questioned. There is no need to sustain life – it is simply a want, a favorable option. On the grand scheme of things, there is no need for anything. It is simply phenomenon that arises and there is nothing that is more favorable than the other.
Of course in the more human perception and way of seeing things, we prefer to keep living and experiencing our journey. That’s what we’re here for at the end of the day – so inherently we do want to have this experience.
Yet by understanding and integrating this realization we discussed here you release a lot of the attachment and pains that create suffering in your life.
Practice – Reaching the Core Self
I want to share with you a powerful exercise that will help you reach the Core Self – the Limitless Self within that is already thriving, happy, abundant, healthy and peaceful – and will ALWAYS be. There may be many more ways to reach this Core Self – this is one of the most effective practices i’ve created for myself, and believe you can find useful for yourself as well.
This exercise is advanced, radical, and may prove challenging. It is a high level of consciousness exercise that can prove uneasy, and shattering the sense of self you believe you had.
I recommend going into this exercise only if you are fully aware of the impacts it may lead to – such as ego death, lack of orientation, distress, feeling of losing your “self”, your “mind”, and your beliefs about reality.
If you have doubts, you can contact me for advice if this exercise will be useful for you at the moment or in a later time perhaps.
Remember, each of us is walking a different journey with different purposes – so some exercises and models of being won’t necessarily be useful. Use your intuition to discern.
**This practice is for Reality Masters Members – Subscribe here to access**
So the exercise I propose is letting go of all your beliefs about the world for 1-2 weeks. Completely let go of everything you belief and take for a fact – and build up the beliefs from the ground up.
You will realize so much of what you believe is a belief that other people imposed upon you. This may be a tantalizing realization if you are encountering this exercise for the first time. It can shatter the whole way you view the world.
Yet it will free you to see the world as it really is, or at a higher version of consciousness, energy, and truth.
When I first did this exercise I realized a lot of my beliefs about spirituality were borderline superstition. I realized a lot of rituals I used to do were simply to re-assure my psyche of something that existed solely within me and my own experience.
I realized that praying is talking to myself and that God is within me completely.
It was a super hard experience for my psyche because the comfort and the safety net of having an all loving being that is constantly watching over you dissolved for me, only for me to re-assemble the model again (slightly differntly after). So during the dissolution process of the faulty filters and beliefs – i was more lost than ever.
Yet at the other side of the darkness I found freedom like never before.
I began to CHOOSE more of the beliefs that suit me rather than blindly following beliefs and perceptions of others.
Another experience I had was to let go of all my affirmations or positive statements of myself and allow myself to reach the natural state of my being.
You see, affirmations can be sort of like a bandaid that you place upon a deep wound of trauma, pain, or negative beliefs about yourself.
When you use the affirmations consistently, they create change – but it is on the surface. The inner self image, the connection to the Core Self is still not accomplished therefore you live in a state of pain and misery beneath the affirmations and positive statements.
So what happens is that you are trying to fix a deep inner wound with some topical antibiotics and bandaids.
When what you really need is deep healing, a deep change from the root of the problem – which can only be achieved with the dissolution of the filters and states.
During that 2 weeks where I stopped using all affirmations, even just threw them all away from my sight – I realized how much baggage I’m still walking around with.
I’ve noticed my mind playing beliefs and statements about myself that I was profoundly shocked to hear, statements I believed I’ve transcended long ago
But no, they were all bubbling up from beneath the surface, like a volcano that waited to errupt, and it all just came out gushing and bubbling – completely shattering my sense of self and perception for that time being. The more I surrendered and let go, the more of this toxicity, this negative energy that I tried to surrpresss subconsciously has bubbled up to the surface, and the more I let go, the more it came up.
The most beautiful part about this – was that I felt the most relief I have ever felt in my life. It was finally a moment where I could completely let go of trying to change, or trying to be something different.
I accepted whatever my mind told me about myself and surrendered to the experience.
I would document and write down every single worry, negative belief, doubt, and lack of trust I had about myself for that time being.
It was disgusting, painful, shameful, yet one of the most cathartic experiences of my life. I felt all the pain shedding away – and one day – after I woke up – I finally experienced that the deadly grip of the mind has let go.
I felt I reached the end of all beliefs – inside me it felt like I reached the CORE – the CORE of my self – and there was nothing else.
All the layers of belief and filters of reality have faded. I was left with nothing but my natural, limitless state.
This is an experience so profound and powerful that I believe it changed me forever and I wanted to share it with you should you want to experience such a powerful release and reconnection to the original self.
It’s in the moment that you decide you let go of all the perceptions, beliefs, and ideas you have and realize how bare naked you really are – that is when you find the core.
When you are building the layers of beliefs on other layers of old beliefs, that’s building a house on a lacking foundation – and that is what this exercise does – releases all the past foundations to reach the core again – and build from a clear place.
The Core Self Part 2- Why did I do this?
This was a radical approach that I do not know exactly where the need for it rose from, but I simply felt tired of being my Self as I were. It’s not that my life wasn’t good – it was that I had to constantly do things to stay happy and in good condition.
I had to do external things to experience a higher energy state.
In that state I realized I want a radical approach – throw away all of it and see what comes back. if I release everything, what stays?
Who or What am I beyond all the things that define me?
Even though I have been practicing meditation and inner work for years before this, something within me felt terrified and excited for this.
As if this were the final death of the self to re-emerge again as a Limitless being that is beyond the perceptions and conditionings of the world.
I decided to let go of everything. The affirmations, meditations, exercise, and what not. It was gradual – it took me around 2 months to let go of it all. Until I had 1 week of complete nothingness (apart from really few obligations I couldn’t withold that didn’t hinder this process from my experience)
It was radical. one of the most radical experiences of my life, yet the amount of mental “garbage” that surfaced in this period of my life was absolutely vehement.
All my greatest fears began to rise, limiting beliefs i thought I’ve transcended, my worries, my pains, my traumas, my fears – all out there in the open coming to surface. And this time nothing had where to go or to be surpressed because i had to “do” something.
No – everything had to go out into the open. To be processed, assimilated, or released.
Everything I could document was written down. Every limiting belief, pain, or fears – like a volcano erupting coming out of the depths of my psyche into the open.
As horrible as this experience might sound, it was the most releasing experience I felt in my life. Finally, I was no longer trying to surpress all of these emotions, negative states, or hidden fears.
I let them be – and it transformed me.
Then – one day – I reached the CORE SELF. Where no belief, limitation, or fear could latch onto anymore.
The CORE SELF was revealed to me in the most intense way, in an out of body experience which I will write about in depth as well.
For me, this was the most liberating thing in my life – and the article will guide you further.
The experience radically shifted my perception of self and reality, and how much baggage we hold within ourselves.
As well, as the amount of trying to build layers upon broken layers, never diving to the source to rebuild all naturally and beautifully as we should – on the layers of truth, of the CORE SELF.
This experience is radical, and not suggested to anyone – I guide you in the article more in depth on how to go through it – should you want and feel intuitively ready for such an experience.
It may not be for everyone and that’s fine. It’s a higher consciousness exercise that I would not suggest to those new to meditation or inner work, but to advanced practitioners who have reached a point of “stuckness” or a desire for a radical shift from within.
After The Core Self
After completing this practice and reaching the inner depths of your SELF – you may experience a sensation of: “What now?”
There may be some shock or lack of motivation to do anything specific for the time being. Let it be.
There may also be new desires to do different things. To expand your Self more and do things differently.
From now on – do only those things you FEEL like align with the CORE SELF – with who you are and what you want to be.
By doing this that way – you will experience a sense of elevation and greater energy than ever before, the reality and life you envision manifesting faster than ever – as there is much less friction, resistance, and un-needed desires that are not yours bubbling within you.
Thank you for reading this article. If you enjoyed the content and want more exercises and practices to expand your consciousness, experience higher energy levels, and accelerate reality creation – consider joining our private group Reality Masters where we discuss these ideas in depth and I share many more in depth guides, video sessions, and articles on energy & consciousness.
Aaron | Limitless Master