Energy levels of Writing Vs Speech
It’s been asked whether writing or speech is more powerful energetically.
Now, the key here to understand is they’re very similar forms of energy due to the fact they are both ways of communication with words.
We usually look at 4 layers/dimensions of interaction with reality:
- Amorphic Feelings (no words or clarity to describe, only a feeling/state)
- Thoughts
- Speech
- Actions
We’ll focus on speech for this post.
What you want to understand is that when you speak, you have a bond tied to your words.
Whatever you speak into existence is a command to the universe.
Of course, you can go back on things and reshape the way it happened, that’s a point for another time – but in general whatever you speak is permanently echoed in the informational field of the universe.
The Kabbalists say: “Convenant tied to the lips” -> What you speak, is like a convenant.
Of course, intention matters, and there’s no need to become obsessive – the important thing here is to keep your intentions clear.
Back to our comparison, if we look at speech, it seems less permanent than writing.
Though it’s written in the informational field, if we didn’t record it, it’s gone.
So on a practical level – writing will carry more significance if we want to cement an agreement or bond with other people.
Writing is also more visual and tactile. Humans are visual creatures. They love seeing things, feeling them, observing them in reality.
That’s why a book will feel more tangible than an ebook, and an ebook more than an audiobook.
That’s why you value physical items more than imaginary concepts (though you would benefit from seeing them as equal).
Speech is more powerful when you are speaking to yourself with intention. You are verbalizing the words and giving them energy through your vocalizing of the words themselves.
You give the words a sound, a frequency, a vibration that reverberates to the universe. Words on paper are also powerful because they are ink crystalized into matter. The words/phrases holds a code, it symbolizes frequency we attach significance to.
We can also add voice recordings to the equation. This significantly increases the value of the words, because it attaches a more distinct frequency to the words.
Let’s say you could get recordings of your favorite sage from the past, for example Moses, Avraham, Buddha, or Jesus.
You would be extatic to hear their thoughts spoken out loud, with their voice.
It would mean more than just reading it – because their identity is attached to it.
Yet, it would still be the same words.
So in conclusion, we can say that speech under certain circumstances has higher a higher energy level than the written word, yet in other contexts such as agreements, reminders, and certain books – the written word will have a higher energy level.