According to the kabbalist teachings, there is only one Source of power and energy in the world. This source is God, Infinity, Source Consciousness, that is the power that animates and breathes life into every being and creation.
In the Kabbalist wisdom, God is considered the ultimate good, and the ultimate good wants to benefit all of creation. For Him to be able to GIVE -> There has to be a creation to RECEIVE His goodness.
In the Kabbalist Tradition, God is also called “Infinite Light”, (OR EIN-SOF – אור אינסוף) and Man is called “Vessel”.
Every creation of God, whether animals, trees, fish in the sea, or humans are vessels to Receive this divine light through their Channels of Abundance.
The channels of abundance are wide and many – the most common one’s are of wealth, health, relationships, and communication (internal and external). There are many more channels but these are the main ones we will focus on.
All of God’s “wants” are to give to His creation -(God does not really have any wants, this is just a simplification)
Once a person is connected to God he is immediately growing into a higher level of satisfaction, of light, love, energy, happiness and prosperity.
This is God’s “natural inclination” – to benefit His creations.
“So why is there suffering?”
That is because you do not have the right receptacle to receive the divine light in your life.
You do not have the tools and understanding to align with that natural energy.
You may read this and think that this “Infinite Light” is simply an instrument to benefit your materialistic desires – in wealth, health, and your relationships.
The truth is that they come AFTER connecting to that Source and fulfilling your role in the divine act.
The qualities you desire are a natural unfolding of a correct connection, perspective and receiving of the Infinite Light.
You have to learn first how to receive this light for it to benefit you.
Though material wealth is definitely important and valuable – it is not an indication of inner contentment/happiness of the spirit and soul.
Then, how do you connect to this light?
The possibility of the giver to benefit can only match the level of desire of the receiver to receive.
If you are very thirsty, then you will be very willing to receive a glass of fresh water… but if you are not thirsty, then you will not find value in the same water.
It all begins with a WANT, a DESIRE.
When you are in DESIRE there means there is a WANT that has to be filled. When you move in accordance to your Limitless True Self, yout True Nature – you begin to attract this light into your energy field.
All that you desire is a manifestation of aligning with your inner world and energy – and it automatically manifests in your life.
The path to your DESIRES is a path of surrender and inspired action towards the true purpose and vision in your inner world, your Soul.
Makes sense?
Another issue is that most of you are moving around with tiny vessels to receive that infinite light.
You are trying to fill a small little cup because of your limited thinking that this light is finite in it’s possibility. Or out of fear, doubts, and negative thinking.
Maybe you are also creating all sorts of blockages in the streams of this abundance simply because you are harming the natural codes of life.
If you steal for example, you are trying to receive your light from another source – and you are damaging your own channels in the process.
If you are talking negatively, you are clogging your channels, if you lack confidence, you are blocking the channels… etc.
Limiting beliefs are the most common way to block the channels of abundance and growth.
The next most common is trauma and negative memories/experiences
The next most common is harming yourself or others, bad deeds, “straying off the righteous path” – and then there’s a need for repentance/correction of those deeds.
The road to living a balanced life where you are receiving this higher light in fruitful ways is a road of self-mastery, discipline, and inner growth.
Its a road of balance, prosperity, wisdom, and endless abundance once internalized and practiced as your way of living.
This is a small taste, an introduction to the world of the Kabbalists, magicians, where everything is possible for you with the right vessel, attention, and connection to Source. Where you can Bend Reality to your Will.
If this is your first time reading about Kabbalist teachings – welcome. This will be a beautiful journey where you’ll discover the true essence of life and how to channel all your gifts into existence for Limitless abundance, prosperity, and growth – in the right way.
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