The Magical Path of Your Heart

Many people struggle with finding their true purpose and direction in life. Many people struggle with what they truly want to do, create, and experience – they have no clear direction and allow life to take them anywhere.

The stream of the river of life

If we look at life as a stream, we discover that those who drift in life have 0 control of their boat. They are entirely allowing the tides to push them around and they are not controlling anything.

On the opposite, there are those who flow through the stream with full control, not leveraging any of the natural flow in their life. This other side of the spectrum is also not beneficial.

Both of these behaviors are unbalanced. The first is always pushed around and can’t find the right direction. The second is too rigid, holding too tight to a concrete plan and doesn’t allow life to surprise him.

These two paths are where 95% of humanity (or more) are walking.

From my observation, I assume that around 70-75% of humanity is going on the first path – the path of drifting and being pushed around endlessly without inner guidance or striving for a greater ideal.

The rest of the 15-25% are too rigid, to combative, and don’t allow life to meet them in the middle. They need answers and they need them now. They want things to happen their way or the highway. There’s no place for improvisation, creativity, and inspired action.

In my eyes, both of these are very hard ways to live life. I personally don’t want to be pushed around by invisible forces and have no will to where I want to go and what I wish to create…But I also don’t want to have an iron grip on life that suffocates me.

After a certain level of control, everything more is just an illusion of having control on one’s own existence.

If you’re reading this, I assume you are also striving for the magical middle path, the true path of solution, the path of the heart…

The magical path of the heart unfolds

The magical path of the heart is one that leaves you in wonder and awe of life. It’s a path that allows you to take a shortcut towards your purpose and vision.

It is a path of bliss, happiness, and growth. Of course, like any path, it will have its own challenges and encounters, but it is the path that will grant you the most inner peace and success.

The inner path of the heart is like a point in the stream that is flowing exactly in the right direction, with the right momentum, and at the most peaceful/fast pace you can endure.

This path is all about listening to your heart’s whisper and following that inner wisdom that is already present within you.

It can even mean you choose to do something that feels counterintuitive for a while, that doesn’t necessarily relate to your life’s purpose or grand goals. It can mean pursuing “side quests” or missions that seem completely irrelevant – but that is what your heart is telling you to do.

In the past, I have worked with a client who felt like he had to meditate every single day without fail – up until now there is no problem with that.

Discipline is important and needed on any path you will take. Yet the problem was deeper. He believed if he didn’t meditate, he would experience a bad day. He would have a day he cannot fully actualize his full power and potential out of it.

This is where it becomes a limitation, a constraint on the system.

The problem with these constraints is that you begin to lose your ability to move freely within your life and listen to your heart.

When I identified this issue my client had, I told him to let go of meditation for a week and install a new belief that he can operate successfully no matter what happens.

In this case, the path of the heart was REMOVING something that seemed beneficial. It was about connecting with spontaneity and success that comes from the inwards-out.

A lesson on moving with the natural flow

I experienced many times in my life when I planned to do one thing and then I ended up doing something completely different.

These letters I write for you are almost always what feels the most right for me to write.

Let me show you a real example of how to walk the magical path of your heart in that situation…

Last week I planned to write a letter on the transformational power of awareness in your life. As I was sitting down to write the letter, nothing came up. As a few minutes went by, still, nothing.

At that moment I had 3 choices:

  1. Go “hard” and write the letter anyway -> Sometimes this method is needed and works, but usually it’s not recommended.
  2. Let go of writing, go do something else -> a good method, but for me, it didn’t FEEL ideal at that time
  3. Write about something else, completely unplanned for -> YES – this is what I wanted to do. I went on to write about the energy that circulates around the house, as it was a topic I’ve been spending a lot of time on and also upgrading my home to add more of those elements myself – simple right?

When you work with the flow – you will know what is WORTH your energy and know to go hard when it finds you.

Nothing is too good to be true

The path of the heart is often the most simple, elegant, and enjoyable. It’s so simple and easy that you just don’t believe it.

That’s why you usually don’t take it – because you were raised to believe that “it’s too good to be true”

I want to challenge this belief. As Florence Schovell Shinn says:

Last week, as I was about to begin writing again, I felt huge resistance. I felt that I could not lift a finger on the keyboard. As if my arms had become rigid and made of steel, I just couldn’t.

At that moment I decided to let go. I went out of the house and just took the day off for myself. During that day I’ve accomplished many other “small” things that I’ve been meaning to complete for months now. Small things, but nevertheless, sometimes these things hold you down energetically speaking.

The more you declutter your life from all angles, the easier the natural energy flows. As I’ve done that, I realized I went back to pushing uphill… I went into the tight grip mode, and it was a signal to take a step back and observe, let go.

Taking a step back

You are caught up in the game. You are in the “matrix”, the simulation, the storyline, the rat race. We all are from time to time.

But then there is always an option, a secret door that lies below the radar… To take a step back.

Take a break. Pause. Reflect. Let the world go by and relax.

You are the master of the game, remember?

Never forget that. When you’re moving too fast and losing control of the flow, or you’re feeling like you’re moving into deep resistance…

Just stop, and relax. There’s nothing more simple yet counterintuitive than that. I know that most people who would read this will have a hard time doing this, but you are not most people. You are on the Limitless Master Letter – be proud of yourself. Not many would even read so far.

Taking a step back is a way to trust your heart to give you more directions, more inspirations, and power.

That is all you have to do.

It’s entirely in your hands

So will you learn to trust your heart…? Will you allow yourself to go deep into who you are and what you can do for the world? Will you allow yourself to live your dream or fall back to old patterns of the mind, of fear, of doubt, lack of trust…

The ball is in your court – the path to reality mastery is simple – all you have to do is take it, and stay the course.

There is no one that it doesn’t work for in their own wonderful way.

If you wish to read more on how to go and navigate within this magical path of your heart, if you wish to explore uncharted terrains and release the blockages on your way – then I invite you to explore my book “Beyond Limits” with The Subconscious Architect inside the Ultimate Bundle.

It was written with love and courage in mind – the path of a brave heart, a sound mind, and a powerful spirit.

That’s all for this week’s main letter. Thank you for your attention and presence – together we are powerful.


Aaron | Limitless Master

p.s – I am available for Reality Mastery coaching 

If you want to let go of subconscious blockages, expand your awareness, consciousness, and energy levels, and live in tune with your highest version – this will be a good fit for you.

I coach creatives, entrepreneurs, high performers, and artists with an emphasis on improvement in performance, confidence, clarity, energy, intuition, and vision in their field, business/professional life, and personal life. 95% of my clients have reported an increase in all these parameters in every area of their life. Schedule a 30m discovery call and we’ll see if we’re a good fit to work together.

This is holistic coaching/training that involves elements of traditional psychology, mental exercises, reality creation, and mindfulness approaches. It focuses on solving your challenges in the here and now. It focuses on enriching your experience of life and opening new dimensions of love, fulfillment, happiness, clarity, success, and opportunity. It heals and allows you to grow into a higher version of your Self.

Most importantly rather than what to focus on – it is more about how to focus and raise awareness – it is highly personalized for you.

If this resonates with you and you feel called to work with me and level up to the next level of success and fulfillment – schedule a 30m discovery call with me here

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