The Quantum Flow State

Throughout my journey in high performance and researching consciousness, the flow state has been one of the most interesting states to study, practice, and research. In today’s email, I want to share with you a unique, less-known method of the flow state today.

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The Flow State is a state I can only define as a magical state, a gift, through which one can merge their consciousness into the craft or activity they are currently involved in.This state elevates the mind to new heights of focus, attention, and creativity. It creates a bubble that merges the person with the task and work at hand.The artist and the art become as one. It is a beautiful state that cannot be forced into existence, the opposite is the truth. Once you let go, it naturally takes over. Once you decide to immerse yourself deeply into your work – it starts to take over your natural state.From this state you can ideate and create effortlessly, and the work flows through you. You are tapped into a higher source of inspiration and energy that is now channeled through your body into materialization.The state of Flow is one that allows you to completely forget about anything unrelated, and become fully dedicated to the task and work at hand.

Time Distortion

One of the most interesting phenomena I discovered while in the flow state is the distortion of the perceived limitations of time. Time is a relative construct. 1 hour for me and a child is a completely different concept. A year isolated in a bunker can feel like 10 years in normal life. The illusion of time is sensitive to our perceptions, stimulation, and our ability to anchor time into outer reality. When we are in a state of flow, we become immersed in a potential reality that is now our core of existence, through that state time loses its meaning and becomes anchored in the activity itself. For example, the time that passed from when I started writing to now is anchored by the amount of words and sentences I’ve written. Time for an athlete is anchored in the laps she’s run and completed. In essence, time becomes a tool in the process of achieving and accomplishing a goal, or reaching a landmark, rather than an important aspect in and of itself. This causes strange things to happen with time as the perception and attention of the person in the state of Flow is not glued to the passing of time, but to the passing of units of work. Words written, laps ran, brush strokes completed, music recorded. This flip in perception creates an interesting phenomenon where the better you get at execution in your craft, the more output you can create every moment, makes time pass slower. I have an in depth explanation to why this happens I present inside Beyond Limits that is too long to bring here. Briefly, the distortion of time involves the change of your attention and energy and the distortion of your energy field itself – if you wish to read further you can get my book here.

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I want to connect an additional concept to the flow state to provide another explanation as to why we experience time differently, and how using the flow state can leverage time to vastly increase your output. As I’ve discussed extensively in my book “Beyond Limits” and in my articles on my site about Quantum Physics and Reality Creation, we learn that just by seeing a situation in our mind’s eye, we further accelerate the creation of it. It’s as simple as visualizing (with intention) a situation – and we lock onto the timeline that the situation can manifest in, with the highest probability of happening. Again, I have more in depth explanations of this phenomenon inside my book and I don’t want to repeat myself here due to the depth of it, so if you read my work and enjoy it, my book will be a great experience for you to dive deeper. Anyways, the Quantum nature of reality reveals to us that by visualizing something as true, you lock into that timeline that brings the scenario forth. When we connect the flow state with the quantum model we get incredibly interesting outcomes. Long drives can be a great example of this phenomenon. Next time you go out for a long drive, visualize yourself arriving in your destination safe and sound, and also visualize it happening rapidly, perhaps even faster than your GPS tells you. By doing so, you are priming your mind to create a state of flow in the drive, and you have created a very strong energetical bridge of events to happen in your favor. I have experimented with this in long drives many times. I have arrived, 5, 10 or even 15 minutes before the time estimation – in percentages, this could be between 20-33% difference from the normal time it usually takes. I have also discovered that during these drives time passes differently, and I am in an intense flow state. This tells me there is a strong connection between locking into a scenario in the Quantum position (through visualization) and the Flow State. When you have a clear picture of what you wish to execute, the execution happens more rapidly. There is less friction and the process becomes easier to handle.

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If we take what is mentioned here into consideration with getting more done, then setting an intention and visualizing it prior to taking action becomes the fastest way to achieve more. Additionally, if you can do so the night before, the whole task becomes easier because your mind has more time to lock into the quantum position and generate potential pathways. It’s known that during the night your subconscious mind keeps working in the background, this is why if you set an idea in your mind before bed it becomes much easier to execute the next morning. The fact is that when you apply Quantum Execution to your work coupled with the Quantum Flow State you become a rapid execution machine. You can get work done in 1-2 hours that would otherwise take you a few days or weeks. It’s a very interesting phenomenon to experiment with and take advantage of. The only limits are those you impose upon yourself in your mind. If you release all limits from what’s possible and begin to see it as a possibility on the limitless quantum positions, you’ll be able to get there faster and with ease. The Quantum Flow State is like a rapid spaceship that takes you on the route to your desired position faster, without effort, and with less friction. This is the ultimate combination of goal setting and reality creation, and I highly endorse the Flow State as the most powerful state to get more done.

Talk soon,

Aaron | Limitless Master

More ways to implement the flow state -> If you enjoyed this article and want to implement a complete system to increase your performance and get more done in less time, check out my new course Limitless Performance. This course covers practical system building for planning, scheduling, and executing while exploring the key elements of Peak Performance such as Flow, Deep work, Mental models, Mind optimization, and more – with practical and powerful tools and techniques. This course is the ultimate combination of practical focus, system thinking, deep work elements, and high consciousness applications such as energy optimization, unique mindfulness practices, and applying the flow state in your craft. Get the course here.

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