The Realms Beyond Limits
Most people spend their lives studying only physical reality
when you look at it from a logical perspective it’s only a 0.0001% of your existence
Reality is far more layered than your physical existence alone.
There are many more dimensions of the soul and of the spirit
When you live your life only chasing a physical pursuit you can only find temporary satisfaction or peace
You’re constantly wanting more and more.
Even if you have the entire world you’ll feel empty, because the inner palace of your life is neglected
When you are fulfilled spiritually you can finally be fulfilled physically
Because you realize every physical element also has a spiritual basis
You work for God and not for the sake of labor
You have a purpose that is grand and high.
It’s not about finding physical success first and only then when you’re comfortable- seek spiritual wisdom.
The opposite.
First find spiritual wisdom and understanding, from there your true physical success, materiality, and all else will be fulfilled
You can trust people or you can trust God
Don’t let society and people confuse you.
Deep in your heart you know this is the truth and the one and only truth of this world.
Dive into the Realm Beyond Limits inside my book “Beyond Limits” here