The Magical Power of Attention 

Hello Conscious Creator,

In today’s Sunday Edition of the Limitless Master Letter, we will dive into the magical power of attention and learn how to masterfully direct it in your life.

Let’s dive in.

Where your attention is placed, there you are

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Your attention is essentially the most precious and valuable resource you have along with your time and energy.

Today we will discuss specifically how attention is more than simply focusing your thoughts in one place.

Your attention is essentially an extension of your consciousness, if you decide to place your attention in one direction your consciousness becomes aligned with it as well.

As I am writing this letter, my attention is merging with the words, thoughts, and ideas that rush through my mind. My attention merges with the physical world in front of me to focus on the screen and the keyboard in order to write the letter.

My attention is directed in one vector towards one singular point in time.

This is the highest state of attention and how it can be leveraged. When your attention is so tightly focused, your consciousness itself becomes imprinted into the actions and processes you are engaged in.

This is what allows the flow state to emerge and work in your work.

Attention is the secret ingredient to start affecting change, both in this world and in the world of spirit.

Attention in the spirit world

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When you invest attention within your thought, it is directed to higher realms, in the realms of potential.

Everything that is currently in front of you in the physical world had its origins in the mental, astral world of creation and potential, way before it was brought into existence.

Therefore through your attention to certain thoughts, ideas, and scenarios, realities are created and the potential is materialized.

It’s hard for most people to identify this connection between their attention and the manifestation of phenomena.

This happens due to the fact most people are unconscious of their day to day life and the ability to notice changes in the energy field.

In fact, if you were to become completely aware and awake to your everyday reality, from small to large, you would notice that every single thing is directly affected by your thoughts and wishes.

The more you have belief, faith, and inner purity the faster this effect is induced.

For example, you may see a wrongdoing in reality, and think to yourself how it should be different in reality, or even talk about it with someone, and seemingly out of nowhere you will get a message/sign/notice that it has changed.

This will happen to you more and more if you move from the will to receive into the will to affect and influence for the better.

The more you break your bad measures, and come closer to a cleaner and purified way of living, the more of the light of God/Source will stream through you and hold the fabric of reality, while creating positive changes for yourself and others.

The Power of Attention in your daily life

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If you begin paying attention to what’s happening around you in daily life you will be able to alchemize reality into a higher level of vibration and energy.

From being able to do things faster, have better experiences, more abundance and prosperity, to healing yourself and others simply by being in your vicinity

The higher spiritual powers of attention manifest from being present in your daily life.

By doing deep work and entering more flow state sessions you raise your frequency and this moves into more areas of your life.

Therefore by improving in your craft you are improving your overall quality of life, every ounce of energy that is spent in creating this energetic stream of consciousness towards your work is built into a stronger stream of energy for others to enjoy.

The more you invest your attention into one single direction you are building an energetic bridge in the energy field/astral world that others are able to travel with and enjoy.

When someone is consuming and enjoying your work she is getting outer satisfaction from the physical manifestation of the work and also inner satisfaction and light from the inner bridges you created in the energy field of the work.

This is when work is done properly with love and faith in the process.

When a work is of high resonance you can experience the effects of it subconsciously and energetically on top of the physical experience it grants you.

This is why you can sometimes eat a meal or listen to a song that makes you feel emotional and elevated more than usual, even though it can be a simple meal, song, art creation or experience.

The reason is in the dedication of the artist/creator who has invested a whole lot of attention, life force, and energy in the direction of his craft.

This is why pursuing something with vigor and attention makes the process of creation more enjoyable for yourself and others.

When you treat your work as your life’s work rather than a simple tool to make money, gain status, or pass time, it creates a stronger effect both in reality and the higher worlds.

Attention in your relationships

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When you truly invest your attention in someone, you gain a new light on the person.

Seeing someone in a new light enlivens the person into higher and higher dimensions of being.

When you give someone your attention undivided you also enliven yourself, because when you give someone that experience of love, care, and light they feel strong emotions for you.

They create a love and light in their hearts that is reflected back at you. Every time they will think of you or mention you, it will be with so much joy and love that it brings you energy and life force again and again.

This is a beautiful feedback loop and therefore every person you are able to touch, even just a little bit, is the highest gift in existence.

When you share someone’s work that is in high energy, you are enlivening them, and in fact you are also enlivening yourself because you are now able to spread their energy to more people who get to experience the same.

By acting as a bridge between others you receive incredible light and blessings in your being.

Attention as a tool for creation

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If you put your attention on something for 60 seconds straight you immediately begin to merge with it and create an alchemical change in the fabric of reality.

For example, if you have a favorite coffee cup, pendant, or musical instrument, you know that a part of your life force is now present with that item.

This is meant in the best possible way, not from the point of view of black magia or other nonsense. It is not in the sense where the item “takes” your life force and if it breaks/gets lost you lose it. Not at all.

The energy and attention you gave that item would already be expended, but now since it is directed in a certain position and to a certain location, it is gathered. Your energy and life force is unending whatsoever, even after death your essence does not die, but lives on in other forms.

Therefore you now see how your energy is in fact able to be directed and channeled into a certain direction and built upon.

Just like you can go to the gym and build muscles over time, so does your energy of attention build energetical structures in reality over time when expended in the right direction.

If you direct your attention every day towards a project or your life’s work, you are in fact bringing this creation to the next level.

This is much different than building without passion or enthusiasm. If you are trying to do something without joy or passion, you are expending an energy that is low in its vibrational frequency, low on it’s vitality, and has no electric charge.

When you are moving with vigor, strength, and passion – the energy is vitalized, electrically charged, and creates strong energetical structures and bridges that stay in reality.

When you leave a work of art or creation too long in the past, you begin to neglect that bridge, but just by going back and revisiting it, the bridge will be built back again much faster.

For example, just by going back to your work of creation, you are already enlivening the work by doing so. Just like muscles in the gym that you built but neglected, the memory muscles will get you back to peak performance faster.

Having a system to direct attention

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The whole key to human life and existence is to learn how to direct attention properly in the right direction.

This is what all human systems have been striving to figure out and optimize over the ages. From religions to philosophies to modern science – all systems strive for the optimization of how attention can be directed to the higher pursuit and expression.

When one can direct his attention properly, the channels of abundance begin to properly flow and prosper again.

This is because all of the problems in reality are created through faulty attention. The attention of the mind is directed to negative or destructive energy.

Let’s look at sexual energy for this example, the more your evil inclination is induced with sexual energy, the more your attention will be directed towards sexual promiscuity.

Without going too deep into this subject, sexual energy is one of the most sacred energies of life. When it’s spread all over the place through faulty attention, it creates harm and negativity in the mind, especially for men, it creates lack of power and vitality.

Another example is focusing your attention on what is wrong or bad in your reality. This creates worry, doubt, fear, and other negative emotions.

The more your attention goes towards these bridges, it creates a negative spiral that takes you lower and lower, it becomes much harder to escape such an energetic spiral.

This is why by changing where your attention is focused and how it is focused you begin to change your reality and perception of life.

By focusing one minute after the other in a different direction you are putting your attention where it matters. Over time you are building that muscle that helps you put your attention where it’s needed more easily.

The negative attention paths die out and the new energy is built. This is the marvelous path of building up your attention.

This is why one needs a strong system to direct attention, time, and energy in the right direction. It does not emerge on its own because the world tends to disorder and entropy.

The virtue of humans is the ability to create order and direction from the chaos of life.

An optimized system for attention

To create a powerful and optimized system to organize and direct attention, one needs to build the system around his natural tendencies and life instead of the opposite.

You cannot build a system and then try to adapt yourself to it. It will break.

You need elements of a strong working system and then adapt them to your own life and habits.

When you have the principles and the building blocks for a strong system, you can bend and shift them to your own preferences and unique needs.

When such a system is built, your attention will be optimized into a state of strength and growth. It will feel as if your attention is now magnified into a focal point from which you know where, how, and when to operate.

A powerful system will allow you to bend and shift according to life’s waves and seasons, and reemerge stronger every time.

As you build such a system, document the processes and unique workflows you have so you can see the patterns that emerge over time and adapt the system.

Harnessing the power of attention

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When the system is set in place, all you have to do is bring yourself into the position of willpower to invest the attention. That’s all you have to do.

The system you build is the supercar with the best engine and the fastest build, but the attention is the fuel that keeps it going.

The more you are able to invest attention and focus in the motion and direction you wish to create, the faster the car will go.

The system takes out the guesswork for you and puts you in the position that all you have to do is put in attention, rather than having to build the vehicle from scratch every day.

In my course, Limitless Performance I show you how to build a powerful system for High Performance, and I give you all the necessary tools to perform at your absolute best.

Through the proven systems thinking and energy practices I use in my own workflow and business, you will be able to create a unique, one of a kind system for yourself – with simple ease.

The methods are simple and effective, and all you have to do is implement them in your own workflow, and then bring in the power of your attention into your work.

Inside Limitless Performance you’ll also discover how to enhance your attention, focus, and energy so you can get more time in your day and output more work in less time.

Get Limitless Performance here.

Talk soon,

Aaron | Limitless Master

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