The Algorithms of the mind

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The Algorithms of the Mind

The mind operates just like a computer. In fact, it would make more sense to say that computers operate just like the mind.

The creation reveals more about the creator than about the creation itself.

The creation cannot receive qualities that are not already present and possible within the creator.

The creation can amplify whatever is present in the creator’s imagination, yet it cannot go beyond what has been imagined in the first place.

Therefore when we speak about computers, algorithms, and programming of computers – we can take these concepts and apply them back to the brain and the mind.

We can look into what has been created by the mind to understand more about the mind itself.

This has been a concept that fascinated me for the last 10 years on my journey of diving into the depths of the “black box” the mind really is.

My journey started from wanting to just feel better. From experiencing stress, anxiety, worry, fear, and doubt – to just managing life in the best way.

Even though I always kept performing, I sometimes had negativity creeping up and wreaking havoc on my mental and emotional state.

Alongside my curiosity in people and social interactions, I knew that there is a better way to live and it propelled my further interest in psychology and the mind.

These were the tips of the iceberg as I’ve come to learn over the years.

I always felt there was more knowledge and information that is kept hidden, that I intuitively knew about life, yet I didn’t have the reach to grasp it and confirm it.

Over the years, I discovered that my inner hunches had been confirmed throughout my personal journey to understand reality and its concepts – one after the other.

As I was fixing my emotional and mental state to a place of strength, courage, and confidence, I grew content.

I enjoyed my life for the first time in many years to the full extent. I managed to resolve the internal issues and conflicts to a place where I had a healthy relationship with my psyche and with the world. I was happy and blissful.

When my internal world became a place that was fun and enjoyable to hang out in, it became apparent that I now have a clear slate to build upon and bring more beauty and growth into existence. My drive to experience more has increased.

Something that’s important for me to share with you is that during the harder years, even though I wasn’t fully happy within, doesn’t mean I let it rule my existence. I still had achievements and skills that I practiced. I’m saying this to any of you reading this and letting the outer circumstances completely dominate them.

In those early times, I still played my guitars, made music, built cool stuff and wrote whenever I could. I still performed my duties as a military commander and I still moved the needle every day to make my situation better.

My story is not an invitation to let go and be bitter in your emotions – though if that is the situation I have a lot of empathy for you regardless. This is not judgment whatsoever. You are on your own path and whatever has happened doesn’t mean you cannot change it starting today.

I believe internal strength can be found more than ever in dark times and feelings of weakness. If you don’t learn to be your best when you’re at your worst, you’re leaving a lot of your power to things outside your control.

The power you have within you is accessible no matter what your situation is currently or what you’re currently looking to solve internally.

This is super important for me that you internalize as you’re reading this email.

The fact you’re having an internal struggle means NOTHING about your performance in real life. There’s literally zero correlation – in the case you can do – do. Don’t think.

You have to allow yourself to disconnect from the negativity and move forward with propelled action or else you’re letting it dominate your life.

Even when I had these negativities in my life, I channeled them with all my might into “bleeding on the paper” – as Hemingway would say.

Bleeding on the paper, bleeding the pain into anything that agreed to accept it.

If you’re reading this and you’re in a similar situation, find your island and make it your own.

It can be in music, writing, art, gardening, volunteering, cooking, online marketing, design or anything that pulls you away from the internal “mess” you are experiencing while building your skills, competence, and self-mastery. Projecting your energy into flow and advancement is one of the fastest ways to get unstuck.

This will be your why for now. This will be your reason to live and keep going forward.

For those of you on the later stages of your journey, or who haven’t been through the dark stages of their evolution, I know reading this might not make so much sense (though who of us haven’t had struggles at some point? )

But for those who know what I mean – trust that it is more simple than you currently make it to be and it can change much faster than you believe.

As you find that source of power to hang on to and become as proficient and powerful in that craft you’ll automatically begin to see changes in the way you perceive yourself and the environment around you.

This is hacking our way into the circuits of your mind and allowing it to mend from the external -> to the internal.

The advanced master of reality works from the inside out – but mastery demands practice and the apprentice has to start somewhere.

The mind is your own computer that you can program

As you see the powerful effects of cultivating your whole mind and psyche toward a craft, a skill, a source of power – you’ll realize something beautiful and incredible has happened.

You’ll realize the source of its power is in the wielder of the craft and not within the craft itself.

The musician is the one who brings the power to the instrument. The source of the musician’s power is not the instrument but himself.

As you dive deeper into the sources of your power you realize that every path you go has always been yours to shape as you’d like.

The choices you make have always been driven by the beliefs you have for the situation at hand.

If you believe you’re going to build something magnificent and make the most out of your energy with it – and you truly believe it would be a success because you see the value it creates for others and embellishes the existence of those who use your creations

Then you will be a success. There’s nothing more to this.

Every time you go on a wave that is the right one for you, in the right time, and with the right momentum, you’ll ride it gloriously.

This is how reality works.

The beliefs you hold

As you read the last section – examine your beliefs that came up.

Perhaps you agree with me completely, and you’re a reality magician yourself – you know this is how reality works and you apply these principles in your own endeavors.

Perhaps you understand these concepts but haven’t found much success applying them.

Perhaps you’ve found your mind reacting with beliefs such as:

“This can’t be this simple”

“Yes but… for me it’s different”

“Things take time. Things don’t just happen. It will take years to come to life”

“I’m not good in anything and I’ve never been successful”

And so on.

All those beliefs are limitations, programs that your mind has been running for years and controlling your existence in the parameters it defined.

This is NOT your true self. This is a FALSE self that has governed control on your immediate reality.

You cannot fight it. The more you fight it – the stronger it gets.

The more you try struggling with a belief, the more it comes back to haunt you.

The key is to revise it. Reprogram it. Reshift it. or whatever other fancy name you prefer.

The more you let it go – and rewire it – the more it releases and loses any grasp over you.

You simply have to let it go. This is a process that may take you a day, a week, a month, or a year. there are no guarantees.

Sometimes old beliefs will keep popping back up – it’s called Spontaneous Recovery in psychology if you want to check that out.

The key is that you don’t identify and engage with those beliefs anymore – until they have nothing to latch onto.

Like a clean surface – if there is no part of you that identifies with these ideas, then they don’t mean anything. They come and go as they did.

Once you identify with a belief it begins to govern your reality and life and you begin to believe it is really true.

Then you have to go through the process of remembering who you are all over again, knowing that you are truly limitless and that all power is within.

That the world is a world of illusions and mirrors, of smoke screens that you identified and attached to.

And then you can recalibrate and re-identify with new beliefs that are more to your liking.

They are not good or bad they are simply what you prefer. The belief of “I am broke” or “I am rich” are literally the same belief from a different side of the spectrum

The thing is that you identify so much with one of these beliefs (or in between) that it conforms to reality

The Algorithm of the mind in reality

The algorithm of your mind which is composed of the sum of all your beliefs and perceptions is what eventually creates the reality you view in front of you.

The forces of reality are simply more rigid and slower to change than the imagination within your mind.

The reality you see in front of your eyes is simply a reflection of the thought patterns, beliefs, ideas, memories, and perceptions that you have accumulated until this point of time in reality.

They are a true, accurate, and perfect reflection of the contents of your mind.

What you have been feeding it, what beliefs and mental associations you have been encouraging, what emotional states you have been laboring, and what skills you have been practicing and improving in that time.

Reality is simply a mirror to all of these combined perceptions – and the most powerful component of those i have listed above is the component of your imagination.

Let me state this again:

The most powerful component that determines your reality, life, the experiences, and joy that you have is your imagination.

Your imagination is the only true reality.

The greatest kabbalists, metaphysical teachers, athletes, professionals, artists, and businessmen all agree unanimously with that statement.

There is nothing beyond the perception of your imagination. It is simply the truest essence of reality and existence.

Once you are able to redesign the algorithms of your mind to your liking you are able to create whatever you believe is possible.

Whatever you have faith belief and clarity about.


There is literally nothing more than that.

Everything I share and teach you is around this one concept, that once grasped internally and fully, once there is a click – then it all changes for you.

You’ll no longer need me or anyone else to guide or direct you.

This is my end goal. I don’t want anyone to be dependent on me. I don’t want to build echo chambers. I want you to be free and fully empowered.

I want to see what we can collectively create. what we can build. what magic we can bring into existence by harnessing this power. this is what I want. I want to lead you to your power, strength, and inner sovereignty

This is one of my beautiful visions and I want you to be a part of it…

In my mind’s eye, I see a place where we can build together and apply these concepts to real life projects, art, creation, music, natural ways of living, value based businesses, and anything that creates real world value to others.

The possibilities are endless. We are living in a time where it is possible for us to change the way things have been going for ages, and begin shaping back the world in our own way.

As more groups of people unite together to live in a more conscious way and a more natural way of being the world can be amplified and built to the harmonious flow of energy that is endlessly abundant

The path from where you are

There is no doubt in my mind that when your faith, vision, determination, and energy are combined together you are able to bring the innermost vision you have into existence.

There is endless magic and creation within your mind heart and soul to bring into life.

The path to that place and to where you want to be begins by changing your beliefs. By educating yourself on what’s possible and what has been concealed from your eyes

Your preconceptions must be challenged and you must find the strength within you to build stronger than ever according to the natural laws and order of the universe.

There is power beyond imagination when we tap into this limitless energy within us and reshape the beliefs that are rooted in fear and mistrust in what is possible.

Ask yourself – why not me? Why can’t you be the one who builds and creates and enhances the value of others’ lives?

Let the beliefs of doubt, fear, and lack of faith wash away, and let new beliefs grow inside the inner world that support your ascension to power.

I have written enough. I hope you enjoyed this letter. Those of you who want to go deeper into the process of creating the vision of your ideal self, reshaping your beliefs from the ground up, and learning more of the tools and nuances of reality creation to bring the vision into reality – I welcome you to join The Subconscious Architect Course.

It will be of profound help on your journey to reshape the inner web of your beliefs, and perceptions, and to see what’s truly possible to create.

Click here to enroll in the course

Talk soon,

Aaron | Limitless Master

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